Status area icon
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The only visible sign of FirstCap's presence is the small icon in the Status Area status1 next to the System Clock. If you click on the FirstCap icon with the left mouse button you can quickly enable or disable FirstCap services.  
You can view the current FirstCap state from this icon:  
·status1 FirstCap enabled  
·status3 FirstCap disabled  
If you click on the FirstCap icon with the right mouse button, it will show the FirstCap system menu:  

·Settings: This will show the FirstCap general configuration window  
·Caps Lock settings: This will show the FirstCap Caps Lock configuration window  
·Insert settings: This will show the FirstCap Insert configuration window  
·Num Lock settings: This will show the FirstCap Num Lock configuration window  
·Custom programs: This will show the FirstCap Custom Programs configuration window  
·Close: This will close FirstCap  
·Stop Debug mode: This item is showed only if the program is actually in Debug Mode. You can use it to stop the Debug mechanism and return to normal mode operations.